CHEESE & WINE PARTY 16th September 2011 Cowbridge Branch are holding a Cheese & Wine Party at the home of Councillor Mrs Valerie Ellis, 3 Tyla Rhosyr, Cowbridge, CF71 7AU. Tickets: £7.50 per person Please contact: Cllr Mrs Valerie Ellis - 07967393929 Dixon Dagg - 07990990664
LATE SUMMER DRINKS PARTY 4th September 2011 DINAS POWYS CONSERVATIVE BRANCH LATE SUMMER DRINKS PARTY & FINGER BUFFET SUNDAY, 4TH SEPTEMBER 2011 12.00 - 3.00PM AT OAKLANDS, ST ANDREWS MAJOR TICKETS £10.00 Please Contact: Andy and Carole Robertson (029 20 512350) Rob and Nicola Foxwell (029 20 515428) Nigel Streeter (029 20 512884)
THE VALE SHOW 10th August 2011 Please come and join us at the Vale Agricultural Show at Fonmon Castle Grounds. Pop in for a coffee and a chat.
COFFEE MORNING 6th August 2011 Llantwit Major Branch are hosting a Coffee Morning on Saturday, 6th August 2011 10.30am to 12.00 at the home of Mrs Sonja Booy, The Parwg, Boverton, CF61 1UH. If you have any queries please contact Sonja on 01446 790610. We hope you are able to attend - bring along a friend. £3.50 per person.
ALUN CAIRNS COMMUNITY MEETINGS 19th July 2011 In addition to the regular one-to-one advice surgeries, Alun Cairns has organised community meetings to meet and discuss local and national issues with constituents: 19th July Pendoylan Village Hall 6.00 - 7.00pm
Welsh Conservatives Summer Luncheon 16th July 2011 Please join us for the Welsh Conservatives' Summer Luncheon, following the AGM. It takes place at the Metropole Hotel, Temple St, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5DY For more information and to book priority tickets, please download the application form (click on the title to go to the download page).
Summer Draw 15th July 2011 Don't forget to enter our Summer Draw! Tickets should be returned to the office by 8th July. Good luck and thanks for your continued support!
HOG ROAST 26th June 2011 On Sunday 26 June 2011, Cllrs Katherine and Gordon Kemp and other members of the Rhoose branch will be hosting a hog roast. Tickets cost £15 - please bring a friend. Flaxland Fach, Walterstone, Llancarfan, CF62 3AS For further details and tickets please call 01446 733516