Responding to the announcement of a new support package for universities and colleges in Wales, the Shadow Minister for Education, Suzy Davies MS, said:
“Universities have been warning about the dangers they face for months.
“The UK Government ensured that they brought forward existing funds and committed £10billion to research funding this year alone, a clear statement of understanding how important universities are to our knowledge base, our economy and society as a whole. That was weeks ago.
“Even so, I welcome the statement today from the Welsh Government, even if it is late in the day. The Education Minister lost £47million from her portfolio as a result of the Welsh Government supplementary budget a few weeks ago, despite considerable consequentials from the UK Education budget. HEFCW, which administers government funding to universities, also received less than anticipated, so I am pleased to see that it has had some of that back to support our universities and colleges. I look forward to seeing Welsh Government’s next supplementary budget and the restitution of some of these funds.
“With just six weeks to go until the beginning of term, Further Education colleges will be relieved to hear that some money is coming their way, even if it is – again - weeks after schools were allocated funding for broadly the same purposes. What they are waiting for is a change to the 2m rule, so important for the delivery of courses and work-based learning with a strong practical element.
“Surely we should be looking at aiming for a strong return in September, following the hygiene rules and using masks if needs be. Virtual learning may still have a part to play but the presumption should be that we’re back in business and looking forward to seeing you.”