We can continue the progress we’re making in Barry. And you can help make it happen. As we recover from the pandemic, we’ve got the chance to tackle the long-standing challenges facing our area and make life better for residents across Barry.
We’ve already made a start. With your support, we’ve delivered on a new playpark for Highlight Park, continued to progress the adopotion of the White Farm Estate by the council, repaired many of our roads and upgraded the Buttrills estate.
But we can go further locally. That’s why we’re asking for your help.
We’re creating a plan to build back better in Barry. And we want it to be shaped by local people like you.
So why not tell us your priorities for Barry and help shape our local plan?
By telling us your priorities, you can make sure we’re focused on the issues that matter most to residents.
- Sorting out our roads
- New Colcot sport centre
- Invest in Barry - by delivering a Marina and a cinema
Whatever your priorities are for Barry, we want to hear them. It only takes a few minutes to fill in this survey.
So help us continue our progress in Barry. Fill in this survey and tell us your local priorities.
Yours sincerely,
Vincent Bailey and Leighton Rowlands
Your local councillors for Dyfan Ward